

We are tweaking few details for this page, Stay tuned for more updates soon! 

Respecting the principles of civic duty, cultural respect, social equity and productive diversity, "Milan" aspires to:

  • Provide opportunity of learning by Establishing "GyanJyoti"- A center of languages, culture and heritage of India with an objective to develop a sense of well informed cultural harmony for those who are pursuing an understanding of Indian arts, customs. Music, dance, handicrafts, food, festivals, performing arts, yoga, meditation, languages, literature, history, geography and other related programs and current topics of interest.
  • Participate in the social, civic and economic issues of the mainstream America by setting up various fund raising events.
  • Respect, appreciate and promote unity in cultural diversity by understanding of the unique diverse cultural heritage of USA and India.
  • Provide opportunities and programs for school and universities attending students by volunteering and financial support.?
  • Direct, sponsor, recognize youth leadership and empowerment program.
  • Provide diversity training/workshops/discussion forums.
  • Represent and advocate for unity in diversity for multicultural activities.
  • Provide Cultural Resource Library (books, videos, magazines, journals, etc.).
  • Assist other non-profit organizations, which subscribe to the objectives and basic philosophy of "Milan".
  • Advocating, engaging and educating our adults, young and children about Indian philosophy which is tailored for western living as they seek to meet their personal, health, financial, political, social, cultural, spiritual and physical needs.
  • Understand and participate in the civic-social-economic issues of local non-profit organizations and Government sponsored programs in India.
  • "Milan" is not and has no intension of being an umbrella organization. We respect the diversity and multiple identities of the local Indian organizations and their efforts to promote their social and cultural ideologies. "Milan" sponsors, supports, celebrates and collaborates with the local Indian organizations to develop a platform for a harmonious coexistence and uniformed voice for the Indian community for the mainstream.